Refund & Cancellation Policy

1. Billing and Cancellation

1.1. Ongoing Subscription and Fees

HillyPix charges a fee to access the Services. We will bill you in advance for your subscription. Your subscription will continue and automatically renew regularly corresponding to the term of your subscription unless and until you cancel your subscription, or your account is otherwise suspended or terminated under these Terms. HillyPix reserves the right to change the terms of your subscription, including price, from time to time, effective as of the beginning of your next Billing Period following the date of the change. We will give you advance notice of these changes, but we will not be able to notify you of changes in any applicable taxes.

1.2. Payment Method

Unless otherwise indicated, you will be required to provide a credit card or other payment method accepted by HillyPix, as may be updated from time to time ("Payment Method"). We will charge your Payment Method a periodic subscription fee regularly corresponding to the term of your subscription, and any applicable taxes. You are solely responsible for any fees charged to your Payment Method. When you provide a Payment Method, we will attempt to verify the information you entered by processing an authorization hold. We do not charge you in connection with this authorization hold, but your available balance or credit limit may be reduced. If you want to use a different Payment Method than the one you signed up to use during registration, you may edit your Payment Method information by logging in on the HillyPix Site and viewing your account details.

1.3. Billing Holds

In the event of a failed attempt to charge to your Payment Method (e.g. if your Payment Method has expired), we reserve the right to retry billing your Payment Method. If you or we (through our payment service providers) update your Payment Method to remedy a change in validity or expiration date, we will automatically resume billing you for your subscription to the Services. We may suspend or cancel your access to the Services if we remain unable to successfully charge a valid Payment Method. You also remain responsible for any amounts you fail to pay in connection with your subscription, including collection costs, bank overdraft fees, collection agency fees, reasonable attorneys' fees, and arbitration or court costs. We may offer you the ability to pause your subscription for a specified period. If you do not cancel before the end of the pause period, billing will resume automatically

1.4. Billing Period

As used in these Terms, “billing” shall indicate either a charge or debit, as applicable, against your Payment Method. We will automatically bill your Payment Method on the later of the day you start your subscription, and on each recurring billing date thereafter. Your “Billing Period” is the interval of time between each recurring billing date and corresponds to the term of your subscription. Where applicable, charges for one or more Services may be prorated for any partial month of service. To see your next recurring billing date, log in on the HillyPix Site and view your account details. You acknowledge that the timing of when you are billed and the amount billed each Billing Period may vary.

1.5. Cancellation and Refunds

You can cancel your subscription by logging into your HillyPix account and following the instructions on your account page on the HillyPix Site. You must cancel your subscription before 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the day before your next recurring billing date in order to avoid being charged. Unless otherwise communicated, if you cancel your subscription, you will continue to have access to the Service through the end of your current Billing Period. However, if you modify your subscription to switch from one Service to another Service during your Billing Period, you may not have continued access to your original Service.

Payments are nonrefundable. If you cancel or modify your subscription, or if your account is otherwise terminated under these Terms, you will not receive a credit, including for partially used periods of Service.

1.6. Promotions

We may offer one-time events for purchase in connection with the Services. You will be charged for such events at the time of purchase. For instance, newly released movies, or shows on HillyPix and in order to grasp the first opportunity, you should pay and watch for a certain period of time. For clarity, such events may be subject to additional limitations provided to you during your purchase or in other materials made available to you.

1.7. Pay Per View and Other One-Time Purchase Events

If we offer you a promotion (e.g., a promotional price, bundled subscription, or device-specific offer), the specific terms of the promotion will be disclosed during your sign-up or in other materials provided to you. We will begin billing your Payment Method for your subscription at the then-current, non-promotional price after your promotion ends unless you cancel prior to the end of your promotion or unless otherwise disclosed.